Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trench coats

Originally uploaded by capoeirawardrobe

I have a strong passion for trench coats. I really don't feel a need to have more than one, but I could never pass by a cute trench without taking a closer look. I just can't...

The other day my husband took me to the mall and as we were walking through Bloomingdales, I've noticed a cute trench coat. So I dragged my husband to go check it out.

-"I don't like it that much" he said "and anyways, why are you even bothering yourself with it, you already have a perfect trench coat"

I took a moment coming up with a perfect analogy (I tend to use analogies whenever I need to explain something to a man).

-"You see, trench coat for a woman is the same as women for a man. You can spend your life searching for the perfect one and if you are lucky you won't be too old to enjoy it. So if you are a man who found your perfect woman, you marry her (and if you are a woman who found your perfect trench coat, you buy it), but it does not mean that from that moment on you will ignore every other woman for the rest of your life.

Sometimes you will just take a look, sometimes more than that... Sometimes you will look and think to yourself "mine is so mucvh better", and sometimes you will be tempted to "try it on", sometimes you will think that certain one is almost as good as yours and you will be tempted to add to your "wardrobe", but then again, you will always come back to your perfect one and ralize that once you have one, there is no real need for a second one. But even after that realization, you will now and then, you will at least glance at what's out there."

My husband enjoyed that analogy :)

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