Time to start building summer wardrobe for my little one and this year I have chosen H & M as my main source. We need tons of t-shirts, 5-6 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of long pants, preferably linen or linen and cotton blend, and at least 2 pairs of jeans.
My first purchase was wildly unsuccessful since H & M kids sizing is way off and my son is on a smaller side - he is 23 months and wears 18 months clothes. So when buying shorts from H & M, I decided to get 12-18 months size since I had to get them without having the luxury of trying it on him. Turns out size 12-18 months was enormous and there is no way he could wear them, even if i buckle them up on the smallest setting. So, with tears in my eyes I had to return two gorgeous pairs of shorts in neutral colors.
I had more luck with the two t-shirts I got in size 12-18 months
Next time I had to take Alejandro with me so i could at least put the clothes against him to see whether it's a good fit. We ended up getting shorts in size 2-4 months (???), 4-6, and 6-9 months, and some t-shirts in sizes 6-9 and 9-12 months. I was shocked to find out that size 2-4 shorts from H & M is equivalent to at least 12 months in US baby sizes. Wow!
I got a whole bunch of neutral onesies, two pairs of shorts, and a pair of long shorts with suspenders. Too cute! I also picked up a t-shirt with AC/DC on it, which ought to make my husband happy:)