The other day I posted a question on some baby forum on what should constitute basic baby wardrobe for the fall-winter. Basically asking what is the minimum needed to suffice and to cover any occasion. I guess I was not understood completely because the answer was "depends on how much laundry are you planning on doing".
Well, that lead me to put together a basic summer wardrobe for the baby. I swear, if I did not have anything else, my son would suffice this past summer.
Here it goes:
1) 2 short-sleeved sun suits

2) 2 bright polo onesies

3) 2 shirt-like, more dressy onesies

4) 2 casual onesies, one striped, one solid
5) 2 light-colored onesies for sleeping

6) 2 t-shirts

7) 1 pair of pants

8) 1 pair of shorts

9) 1 pair of overalls